add Backbonelabs Gravedigger Liquid staking support
Mike De Rebel
We need to have more options for the Liquid staking and BBL is the best out there and is funded with the Osmosis program
Total Bonded OSMO: 1.490.416
Total Bonded KUJI: 21.443
Total Bonded HUAHUA: 1.430.428.819
Total Bonded JUNO: 23.166
Total Bonded WHALE: 70.692.340
Total Bonded LUNA: 1.849.396
Total Bonded INJ: 0 (TBA)
Thank you for considering adding BackBone Labs liquid staking products!
Phillip Simon
I would love to see more LSDs and more people bring community's together like Backbone labs is trying to do.
This team where raising spirits & working their butts off in the depths of the bear market and everyone is now benefiting from the infrastructure and systems they’ve developed.
100% support full integration!
Backbone labs, is the backbone of a community focused, utility maxing initiative in the Cosmos. Not integrating them is tantamount to giving the middle finger to community initiative and improvement
Aloïs Lien
Would be great. BackBone Labs perma builds and keeps delivering, which brings a lot of energy into Cosmos ecosystem. Hopefully Keplr will support this request.
BBL's liquid staking platform is already tremendous and it's still growing - across most of the Cosmos chains. Please add so even more users can join in and benefit.
H0ly F0lly
this would help a lot of cosmonauts!
Yes please